This article is about the entity. You may be looking for the video or the deceased child. |
Real name | Behavioral Event Network |
Aliases | BEN Ben (impostor) Jadusable's roommate |
Gender | N/A |
Status | Unknown (Ascended) |
Affiliation | Eternity Project (creator) Moon Children (members) |
"You shouldn't have done that..."
BEN (short for Behavioral Event Network) is a group of ascended Moon Children within the Majora's Mask cartridge acting under a singular identity. It was once believed to simply be the spirit of Ben, though this possibility was contested by Jadusable in TheTruth.rtf. It was revealed in iseeyou that BEN contains several spirits, effectively separating it from any association with Ben.
Prior to 2009
BEN was initially implied to have been created by Ben's ascension, which took place on April 23, 2002. Sometime between Ben's ascension and Jadusable's acquisition of the cartridge, several other members of the Moon Children ascended, with their spirits forming a network within the cartridge that came to be known as the Behavioral Event Network, which was then abbreviated as BEN. At some point during this time, the spirit of Ben was sealed inside the Elegy of Emptiness statue, rendering him unable to interact with the others.
It is said by BEN in TheTruth.rtf that Jadusable was not its first victim, meaning the encounter with the first victim must have taken place during this time. An unknown amount of time before Jadusable acquired the cartridge, it was left in the care of the old man.
Haunted Cartridge Arc
BEN was first encountered by Jadusable when he bought and played the Majora cartridge. During the recording of day four.wmv, it appeared to manifest itself in the form of the Elegy of Emptiness statue, an action repeated each time the game was played. It drastically increased its activity during DROWNED.wmv, and even exercised the ability to either change the game from Majora's Mask to Ocarina of Time, or alter the video to the extent that it appears to be the latter. This video featured the first use of its signature phrase, "You shouldn't have done that..."
BEN's activity is believed to be initially minimal during jadusable.wmv, as it redacted the first half of the video (then called Matt.wmv) prior to its upload. Having promised to leave Jadusable alone if he helped it, it tricked him into playing further into its game. BEN wrote and posted the summary of jadusable.wmv in the guise of Jadusable's nonexistent roommate, and used the readers' obliviousness to escape via their download of TheTruth.rtf. It appeared to confirm its escape in free.wmv.
Moon Children Arc
Within days of its escape, BEN began to utilize Jadusable's abandoned YouTube channel. The ciphers it posted led followers to, the base of operations for a cult known as the Moon Children. The avatar used by the admin, DROWNED, contained a hidden image of the Elegy statue when moused over, hinting at a connection between himself and BEN. The next day, during the period of time in which Ifrit was able to communicate, BEN posted lyrics from "Who's That Knocking?" by the Genies, which implies that it was responsible for Ifrit's disappearance.
After the first reset, users figured out the system of using songs to affect events involving the Moon Children, which BEN confirmed. It was then unheard from until Ryukaki began uploading videos. The next mentions of BEN came from hidden files in YSHDT, including mhftt.txt and fate.txt. 2 featured the sound of drowning, a direct reference to BEN.
BEN had an account on Within Hubris prior to its termination.
Awakening Arc
After eight years of inactivity, BEN started showing up in thumbnails for videos uploaded to Jadusable's YouTube channel in March 2020. It finally appeared in iseeyou, in which it reveals that it contains multiple spirits, a fact not previously known. After the discovery of, it appeared to allow players to vote using the website, warning them them not to be hasty with their decisions.
The document TheRealTruth.rtf contained a new entry for CHILDREN.wmv, revealing a facet of BEN not previously known: that each of its inhabitants are separate entities that retain their free will and can interact with one another. During the period of time between the upload and premiere of THE FATHER.wmv, the spirits within BEN argued with one another regarding the video's title and whether it should be seen by the public. Ifrit would later confirm that Ben was indeed a separate entity, implying that the appearance of the Elegy statue during Jadusable's videos were Ben's desperate attempts to communicate with him rather than hurt him. Later, in The Prisoner.wmv, in-game Moon Children speak in a manner identical to that of the inner dialogue featured in the new CHILDREN.wmv entry.
Not much is known about BEN. Though initially perceived as containing the consciousness of a child, it is extremely malevolent. It deceives its targets, having used Jadusable and several thousands of others to seemingly escape into the Internet. It shows signs of psychosis, referring to its activity with Jadusable as a game played for its entertainment.
Despite its psychopathic disposition and evident sadism, BEN has been noted to be quite emotional in situations where it ostensibly lacks control or authority. It seems to demonstrate genuine fear during THE FATHER.wmv when it pleads with Jadusable to stop playing the game as he risks awakening the titular entity, although given BEN's duplicitous nature it's quite possible it was all an attempt to goad Jadusable even further with reverse-psychology. Similarly, when the video was eventually set to premiere to YouTube, BEN noticeably made several impassioned attempts to prevent the upload, appearing to argue with the individual controlling the channel throughout. BEN also appeared rather short-tempered in one instance on the Methods of Revolution website wherein it replaced large portions of the site with a mantra of "PLAY BY MY RULES".
- Haunted Cartridge Arc
- day four
- jadusable
- The Truth
- Moon Children Arc
- First Cycle
- Second Cycle
- Within Hubris
- Awakening Arc
- end.wmv (thumbnail)
- transmission.txt (thumbnail)
- iseeyou
- gateway.wmv (thumbnail)
- sonata.wmv (thumbnail)
- Methods of Revolution [Day 11] (thumbnail)
- Methods of Revolution [Day 21] (thumbnail)
- The Showdown.wmv
- The End.wmv
The following images show how BEN has appeared throughout videos:
The following images come from
- The person directly responsible for creating BEN is currently unknown, though it was revealed that it was created as part of the Eternity Project.
- BEN's appearance as a green-haired girl during the Awakening Arc might be a reference to Saria. This is further implicated by one of the Patreon polls which showed that if players voted to play Saria's Song to Ben, they would have played the Reversed Song of Healing instead.
- In-game, Saria's Song is played by reversing the button inputs used to play the Song of Healing.
Characters |
Ifrit • Duskworld23 • Nekko • Insidiae • DROWNED • Alex • Rosa • Rem • Kelbris • Ryukaki • Guide |
Jadus • Denton • Baker • Second Player • Abel • The Jailer • Sarah • Circle • Ryan |
Real life |