Within Hubris

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Within Hubris
Within Hubris banner.jpg

"A Distance There Is", the forum's original banner, by Garrenn

Site name Within Hubris
Purpose Forum and information archive
Status Deactivated (partially archived)
Launched February 17, 2011
Removed August 8, 2012
Affiliation Players
"This is a general forum designed to have every tool, every text, and every cipher available at the player's fingertips. This forum is not meant to replace any existing forum, but rather, its purpose is to serve as a central hub for you, the player. From here, you will be able to access everything related to the story - from a specific video to a certain Wikipedia article - in one convenient and organized location."

Within Hubris was an Internet forum serving as the official hub for players to gather and theorize during the latter half of Moon Children. It was operated by Guide, a mysterious administrator account.

Site-wide details

The forum's theme remained the same for its entire run. It featured a black forum body over diagonally-striped gray background. The banner, depicting the moon over the horizon, was titled, "A Distance There Is," and was created by Garrenn, one of the site's moderators. The forum title read "within hubris" in lowercase; when viewing a forum group or subforum, these were listed as well. Below the title was a section that read, "Within Hubris latest news:", which contained the latest post from the Announcements and Story forum groups. Below it was a message that read, "Welcome back; your last visit was on (Month Day Year, Time AM/PM)".

For an unknown amount of time after its discovery, the song "Within Hubris" was set to play on the site, with its player featured under the forum title. A PayPal button linked to Alex Hall's account was featured under the banner from February 26, 2011 until February 17, 2012.

Main page

February 17, 2011

This iteration of the site was discovered at 7:00pm. These details remained unchanged. Forum groups and subforums:

  • Announcements
    • Announcements
    • Forum Help
  • Story
    • General Discussion
    • Theory Discussion
    • Story Speculation
    • New Developments
  • Community
    • Newbie/Help Center
    • Community General
    • Videogame General
    • Fan Created Content
    • Recruitment

In addition to the above, the Board Statistics section at the bottom featured an active user list, the current day's birthdays, the total number of posts, the total number of registered members, the newest member, and the most users ever online.

Soon after the site's discovery, two new forum groups, each with one subforum, replaced the Announcements group. The first appeared at 7:30, with the second appearing at 7:40. They each disappeared about 20 seconds afterward.

The first:


The second:


Neither of the subforums contained posts. The Announcements group was restored afterward.

February 18, 2011

At an unknown time, a new forum group was discovered, this time below the Community group.

The group and its subforum:

  • Wayward Horizon
    •  ???

Unlike the other subforums, Wayward Horizon's were password protected, rendering the topic titles unviewable from the main page. Upon its discovery, the ??? subforum contained a topic created by Hubris, which was deleted soon afterward. The next topics to appear were created by Guide, Nekko, Duskworld23, and ???, respectively.

Forum groups

In total, there were six forum groups discovered on Within Hubris. Upon the forum's discovery, the three groups present were Announcements, Story, and Community. These contained no true "in-character" interactions and served as tools for the community. As a result, the latter three forum groups are listed first.


Only visible for 20 seconds, this section contained only one subforum, titled "PLEASE GOD HELP ME". It contained no posts.


Only visible for 20 seconds, this section contained only one subforum, titled "THEY TOOK". It contained no posts.

Wayward Horizon

This section of the forum appeared on February 18 and contained only one subforum, titled "???". It wasn't accessed until February 19 due to its password protection. The password screen read, "Please do not attempt to enter a password unless you are authorised. Failed attempts are logged and you may have your posting rights removed upon repetitive failure." However, it was soon discovered that this was not true, and failed attempts are simply logged.

After piecing together the password, "thelensoftruth", via Guide's welcome post and the cipher on Rosa's account page, the remaining contents of Wayward Horizon's ??? subforum were finally discovered. Inside were five topics, each containing a single post:

WELCOME TO THE WAYWAR01011001110000101, ????//

Guide avatar.png
Helping Hand
Group: Admin
Member No.: 13
Joined: 17-February 11

Posted: Feb 18 2011, 12:17 PM



Note: This translates to:

  • You're not supposed to be here.Get.



Group: Tenor
Member No.: 5
Joined: 17-February 11

Posted: Feb 18 2011, 12:42 PM


Note: This translates to:

  • whatis? wherethis? help me please, i'm so scared. where is everyone? i'm so lonely... mommy im so sorry. i promise i'll be a better son, i promise i'll be the little boy you've always wanted, i miss you i'm so scared... mommy just please wake me up. please PLEASE MOMMY WHERE ARE YOU


Group: Tenor
Member No.: 6
Joined: 17-February 11

Posted: Feb 18 2011, 12:49 PM


Note: This translates to:

  • I can't stand it. I can't even have a momentI can't stand it. I can't even have a moment no think. I want to kill myself, but I don't know how. Have to find a way, before I lose myself.


Group: Tenor
Member No.: 530
Joined: 17-February 11

Posted: Feb 18 2011, 1:00 PM


Note: This translates to:

  • I can become God. I can become everything.


Group: Tenor
Member No.: 12
Joined: 17-February 11

Posted: Feb 18 2011, 6:20 PM

Soon after access was gained to Wayward Horizon, the password was reset and users were booted to the main page. The new password was soon discovered to be "youshouldntbehere".


This section contained two subforums, titled "Announcements" and "Forum Help". The former contained all of Guide's announcements, as well as those made by the forum's other moderators. The following is all of Guide's posts in the Announcements subforum; he made no posts in Forum Help. In addition to the topics below, Guide made one more titled "Jadusable And The Revolution" that has since been lost.

Guide's "Announcements" posts


This section contained four subforums, titled "General Discussion", "Theory Discussion", "Story Speculation", and "New Developments". General Discussion itself contained three subforums, titled "Haunted Cartridge Arc", "Moon Children/Ryukaki Arc", and "Hubris Arc"; it is also the only subforum in this section that Guide posted in, with the others taken care of by the other moderators.

Several of Guide's topics were lost. The known lost Guide topics are:

  • A Present From Me To You
  • Poll: Vote For 2nd Community Game Hour
  • Announcing The Telethon
  • Choose The Games We Play This Weekend
  • Hubris Soundtrack Released
Guide's "General Discussion" posts

In addition to the above topics, Guide made a six-post topic in the Haunted Cartridge Arc subforum containing the entirety of the story as originally posted by Jadusable.

The Haunted Cartridge - The Complete Story


This section, utilized entirely for off-topic discussions, contained five subforums, titled "Newbie/Help Center", "Community General", "Videogame General", "Fan Created Content", and "Recruitment". Guide made no known posts in this section.

Character accounts

Immediately, users began finding forum profiles belonging to characters. These profiles were not simply listed in the "Members" group, with most listed as "Tenor". In addition to groups, it was possible to assign special titles to accounts, which were utilized in a few of the following cases.

# Username Group Title Date joined Miscellaneous
1 Jadusable Admin Administrator February 17, 2011 Birthday listed as "23 April 1984"
2 Hubris Tenor N/A February 17, 2011 Made one unseen forum post on February 18, 2011 at 1:16pm
3 Ryukaki Tenor N/A February 17, 2011 N/A
4 Alex Tenor N/A February 17, 2011 Made one unseen forum post on February 18, 2011 at 12:58pm
5 Nekko Tenor Tenor February 17, 2011 N/A
6 Duskworld23 Tenor Tenor February 17, 2011 N/A
7 Drowned Tenor N/A February 17, 2011 N/A
8 BEN Tenor N/A February 17, 2011 N/A
9 Rosa Tenor N/A February 17, 2011 Location contained binary that translates to "bastionof", formerly "bastiono"
10 Insidiae Tenor N/A February 17, 2011 N/A
11 Tyler Tenor N/A February 17, 2011 N/A
12 Kelbris Tenor N/A February 17, 2011 N/A
13 Guide Admin Helping Hand February 17, 2011 N/A
530 ??? Tenor ??? February 18, 2011 Joined one day later than previous accounts
2286 Usekeb Tenor N/A April 22, 2011 Joined two months later than previous accounts, discovered on June 8 by MajinMew

The binary code on Rosa's page appeared around 11:30am on February 19. At first, it read:

  • 1001110110011110100011001000101110010110100100001001000110010000

When reversed, this translates to "bastiono". Users were unable to gain a meaning from this, but around 6:30pm, the code was updated:

  • 100111011001111010001100100010111001011010010000100100011001000010011001

When reversed, this translates to "bastionof". Soon afterward, users realized it was a reference to Guide's welcome post, where he described Within Hubris as our "bastion of defense". Upon testing "bastionofdefense" as Wayward Horizon's password, users finally gained access.

Real-life information

MM Tatl Artwork.png
Real-life subject
This article or section contains information that applies to real life. It should not be considered part of the story.

User ranks

Users were able to gain different titles depending on their post count:

  1. Catalyst (0)
  2. Conspiracist (25)
  3. Fanatic (75)
  4. Devout (300)
  5. Pseudonym (423)
  6. Zealot (424)
  7. Martyr (750)
  8. Pathological (1200)
  9. Puppet (2000)
  10. Spirit (5000)


Guide was the official administrator of Within Hubris, and a game mechanic designed to present ARG-related material to the players. This was, in reality, the in-game personification of Alex Hall.

On July 15, the ARG was placed on hiatus, the announcement for which can be read here. This was the catalyst for the decline of Within Hubris. On the same day, Kayd Hendricks, the creator of the Ryukaki side-arc, conducted a Q&A describing his undesirable experience of working with Alex, to which Alex retaliated with a statement describing his arc as non canon, despite a Tenor account belonging to Ryukaki existing alongside the rest.

On April 23, 2012, Guide presented the players with an early alpha version of the Hubris game.

On June 2, Guide promoted Spanosa to administrator in order to combat trolls and vandals in his absence.

Police Incident

On August 8, 2012, Within Hubris was shut down by the police. At first, there was no indication of why or a notification of what had transpired, only a page stating that the forum no longer existed. Alex Hall announced that there was no way to get the forum back online, and revealed that the police had apparently removed it due to "death threats." With no other leads, users traced this back to a topic in which users were asked "who they would kill and why."

Newbris and Tribris

On August 10, Within Hubris was recreated by Kafeite and Dawn Of A New Day. The new forum, hosted on Zetaboards instead of InvisionFree, has no canon status. In order to differentiate between the two incarnations of Within Hubris, users began calling the original Oldbris and the new one Newbris.

In August 2018, due to Zetaboards' merge with Tapatalk, a new, independent version of Within Hubris was introduced, nicknamed Tribris. Rather than simply a forum, Tribris served as a collaborative repository for affiliated resources, such as wikis and Discord servers. In January 2020, the Jadusable Wiki was migrated from Fandom to Tribris, followed shortly afterward by the Johnisdead Wiki.

In February 2021, the Awakening Discord server was closed by Alex Hall. In response, a new Within Hubris server was opened within hours, becoming a hub for the remainder of the community.