Methods of Revolution (Day 11)

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Methods of Revolution [Day 11]
Methods 11 thumbnail.jpg
Video title Methods of Revolution
[Day 11]
Creator Unknown
Channel Jadusable
Upload date May 16, 2020
Runtime 7:43
Tags methods of revolution, player 2, abel, hotel, think carefully, forward
Game N/A
"You know, I told him, I told him he was gonna die. He just wasn’t that good of a listener, you know. Sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the roses, right?"

Methods of Revolution [Day 11] is the sixteenth video of the Awakening Arc and the thirty-sixth video in Ben Drowned. It is preceded by Methods of Revolution [Day 6] and followed by Methods of Revolution [Day 21].


The second player exits his new room after waiting for five days. He is immediately found and terminated by the Jailer, and three days pass. A new player wakes up in the second's old bedroom; she's greeted by Abel, who is audibly irritated at the last player's actions.





The Rosa intro plays as images flash on screen. The first is a screenshot of with the map background and text it had as of the May 9th update. The second is the poll results for “[Day 6] When will you leave the room?”, showing that Day 5 was the winner. The third shows a phone sitting on a desk with a note next to it in the room from Day 6. The intro ends, and text appears, reading [Day 11].

Player 2 sits up on the couch he ended Day 6 on. All seems to be in disorder as it was before. He gets up and faces the door. Walking toward it, he glances at the counter with notes still sitting on it before turning back to the the exit. As he approaches the door, a mannequin head can be seen in the closet. The “Keep Going” note is still in place. Grabbing the door handle, he hesitates before opening it.

He leaves the room and immediately looks left, slamming the door behind him. The video distorts for a moment and a whooshing sound is heard. Player 2 inhales sharply, turns around, and is met with the Jailer and a Redead scream. The screen flashes through several images between a blurry image and VHS static. The first is a slightly closer, more blue shot of the Jailer. The second is darker and even more zoomed in on his head. After a moment of static, the third is mostly black with a cut off image in the bottom right corner. The fourth is a distorted blue face on a black background. The fifth is blurred image. The static carries on for a moment before it tracks, revealing the image of The Father, eyes open, in between the lines. It returns to its previous image before a TV turning off effect transitions to a black screen. Audio distortion plays for several seconds.

The text [Day 14] fades in and out on screen.

Shuffling and breathing are heard. A new main character, Player 3, lifts herself up and clicks on a flashlight. She looks around, her flashlight scanning back and forth in an alcove containing a toilet. She stands up and looks around the room, a bathroom, finding the mirrors covered. She coughs and exits the room, breathing heavily as she turns to the door. A paper on it reads “DON’T LET HIM HEAR YOU.” She backs away from it and turns to the door leading to an adjacent room on her right, touching the door handle gently and looking back to the sign. She carefully tries the handle a few times.

Player 3 turns toward the rest of the room and sweeps across it with her flashlight from the desk area to the brightly colored chair and across a bed with the mattress lifted up to the light affixed to the wall. She focuses on the mattress for a second, a stain visible at the very top. The camera pans across the room again back to the desk. Player 3 approaches it and switches on the lamp, sighing and clicking off the flashlight.

She looks across the desk. Crumpled papers litter it reading “WHO AM I”, “HE”, “AM I ME”, and “AM I REAL”. Player 3 sets the flashlight down on the desk next to the Holy Bible, the camera settling with it, the songbook, the radio, the “AM I REAL” note, and the knife in plain view.

She turns around and walks toward a network switch, grasping the corner and lifting it up to look at it. She lays it back down and brushes her fingers across the top. Looking at her hand, she rubs her fingers together to get the dust off.

Player 3 looks down where the light grey hoodie is laying haphazardly on the mattress. The radio turns on and Abel is heard clearing his throat. Player 3 quickly turns back towards the desk where the radio is laying. Abel calls “Hello? Hello?” as Player 3 moves tentatively towards the desk. She reaches out a hand and hesitates as Abel returns to the radio saying, “Honestly though, I’m not really even sure why I even bother giving you people the spiel.” She picks up the radio as he continues, “You people never seem to listen anyway.” Player 3 presses the talk button on the top of the radio quickly to test, as Abel briefly disconnects.

He reconnects, “My name is Abel, but I wouldn’t bother committing it to memory. I’m sure you’ll have your own delusions of grandeur and wander off and die soon anyway.” He sighs loudly before continuing, “You know, I just don’t get it.” A slight chuckle comes to his voice and Player 3 takes a seat in the desk chair as he says, “I really don’t. I mean, I guess that’s what we’re here for, but almost every single person just wants to escape.” Abel sighs again, and we hear Player 3 exhale as she sets the radio back down on the desk. He continues, “You know, I can’t stop you. That’s not quite the point of this.” Player 3 rests her hand on the flashlight and taps her fingers on it once, then places her hand on the Holy Bible, and then on a sheet of paper we can hear off-screen as Abel says “uh… I can try and reason with you, but no one seems to want to listen to me.”

Player 3 moves to the left placing her hand down for a brief moment near the knife then picking up a crumpled up sheet of paper that is resting beneath the paper that says “HE” seven times and beneath the "ON THE SIXTH DAY” paper, which is covered by the previous paper and only shows “SIX DAY.” She flips it over to reveal nothing on the back and then turns it back to the front where a single word, “DONT” is written in messy handwriting. She lifts her palm to the camera in defeat before putting it back down. As she is doing this, Abel continues his monologue, “But I feel like, you know, I’ve done my job and I lay out the rules for everyone. They all have the same fair shake.”

Player 3 throws this paper onto the dresser to the left of the desk, and grabs the “HE” paper, looking at it for a second before also throwing it away. She then picks up the “ON THE SIXTH DAY” and we hear her whisper “Sixth Day” to herself. She puts the paper down, keeping her hand above it, and gives a frustrated sigh. During this, Abel states, “So, I’ll give you the quick rundown, if nothing more than to go through the motions yet again. You’re on the first floor of a limbo, of sorts, and you cannot leave.” At this point, Player 3 moves to the right side of the desk opening the Holy Bible to the middle as Abel says, “I’m telling you this right now. Point blank. You can’t leave.” She pushes the pages in the Bible, revealing the red underlined “sixth day” text. She then frantically flips to find the page, observing it. The red underlined text is as follows, the same as in Day 1:

  • So God created man
  • God saw everything
  • sixth day.

Abel is continually talking throughout this, saying “Any attempts to leave, via window or entryway, result in immediate termination. Your job is to just stay here and relax. So easy.” He gives a brief chuckle, “But, if you have second thoughts, we have a bit of a guard roaming the hallways that will not hesitate to dispose of you, so don’t get any ideas.” At this, Player 3 turns to look to the hallway door. Abel continues speaking as Player 3 turns slowly back towards the desk, “Don’t freak out. Don’t start yelling. Don’t start panicking. Your job is to just sit here and relax.” She focuses back on the underlined words in the Bible, tapping her finger, as Abel says “You’re here because you wanted to be. Everyone always seems to forget that.” She closes the Bible, takes a breath, and places it on the dresser to left. She then picks up and throws down a ribbon of paper, before picking up and analyzing the “AM I REAL” paper above the song book.

“As for your room, yeah, I know, that one’s on me. Sorry that it’s kinda a mess right now,” Player 3 crumbles the paper into her fist as Abel speaks, “I was gonna clean it for the guy before you, uh, but he decided to make a break for it.” She throws the paper away and opens the songbook to a loose blank paper as Abel stutters “And, um… well, we kinda had… a little bit of a distraction when I found him and he wasn’t there anymore.” At the word “distraction” a noise reminiscent of wind is heard in the background. Player 3 briefly reads the lyrics to the 1946 song “Put That Kiss Back Where You Found It” before closing the song book and putting it back on the desk, as Abel says “So, we were handling that and I haven’t gotten around to cleaning your room.” Player 3 then moves to analyze a sheet of paper reading “WHO IS HE” Abel continues, “Uhh, he somehow managed to slip past our jailer. He made it to the second floor, which is kind of frustrating, somehow. He got a little carried away at the end, though, which is, um, you know, I saw that one coming. ” As he is speaking, Player 3 picks up and drops a sheet of paper reading “AM I ME,” pushing it aside and accidentally causing the flashlight to roll, which she stops and places on the song book with a sigh. “He was just in too much of a rush,” Abel concludes as Player 3 holds a paper saying “WHO AM I” in front of the radio, reading it. She puts it down after a second. “You know, I told him,” Abel chuckles sardonically for a moment, “I told him he was gonna die.”

Player 3 sits down and looks up, gasping when she notices the crumpled sheet of paper saying “DON’T LET HIM SEE YOU,” also the same as in Day 1. “He just wasn’t that good of a listener, you know. Sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the roses, right?” Abel continues his monologue as Player 3 moves the horse head bookends on the desk to analyze the two books there: Erik Larson’s The Devil in the White City and Dante’s The Divine Comedy Volume I: Inferno. “Anyway, I’m rambling. Listen, just don’t bother trying to follow in his footsteps,” Player 3 moves on to analyzing the knife and picking it up as Abel carries on speaking, “But fortunately, one of the things he took with him was exactly the thing that allowed him to figure out how to sneak past the Jailer in the first place, which is good, because that was kind of cheating, and without that, you have absolutely no chance of Hell to figure out how he managed to escape” Player 3 looks over her shoulder, then turns to the dresser, moving the “DONT” paper and the Holy Bible back to the desk. Abel continues, “Which is for the best, really, that means you can stay alive and stay here. Unless you- well- no. Nevermind.” Player 3 picks up the flashlight and clicks it on and off before Abel signs off, “Uh, here’s hoping that, you know, we’ll be able to talk to ya’ again,” he chuckles sardonically, “I doubt it.”

The radio goes silent and Player 3 stands above the desk, surveying it, and the video ends.


The following images were used as thumbnails leading up to the premiere:

The following images flashed by rapidly for the first 10 seconds:

The following images flashed during Player 2's death sequence:




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