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17 - Ebon.jpg
Ifrit's avatar on youshouldnthavedonethat.net

Matt as he appeared in The Last Hero.wmv

Matt eternity project.png
Matt as he appeared on eternity-project.com

Real name Matt Hubris
Aliases Ifrit
Rodney R.
Gender Male
Status Deceased (Ascended)
Age Unknown
Affiliation Moon Children
Relations Rosa ("sister")
Ben (friend)

First appearance

Last appearance

jadusable.wmv (mentioned)
First Cycle (actual)

“I understand your anger, but isn’t it misplaced? I didn’t kill them. You chose to do the glitch, you knew the risk, didn’t you? Is it your fault? Or maybe it’s because of that mask you wore. I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done."

Matt Hubris, also known as Ifrit and Rodney R. on youshouldnthavedonethat.net, is a member of the Moon Children foreshadowed in jadusable.wmv, and first encountered during the First Cycle. Prior to his disappearance, he was a moderator on the Moon Children website.


Haunted Cartridge Arc

The name "Matt" appears on the save file at the end of jadusable.wmv, foreshadowing his future appearance. Jadusable mentions in TheTruth.rtf that the original title of the video was Matt.wmv, but the title was changed by BEN prior to its upload. Because of the lack of information presented, it was assumed until Ifrit's appearance that Jadusable's real name was Matt.

Moon Children Arc

Ifrit was first spotted on the main page of youshouldnthavedonethat.net, where he was a moderator. His words about the cult seemed enthusiastic, and he appeared to be a highly-respected member of the community. The About page showed his name as Rodney R., which was later revealed to be a pseudonym.

Two hours before the end of the First Cycle, a contact page for Ifrit was discovered, which contained his email address: ifritmoon@gmail.com. Emailing him revealed that his name was, in fact, Matt. He revealed several things, including that Ben was a member of the Moon Children whose body was never found after his ascension, that Rosa is his sister, that Alex was the Moon Children's "greatest warrior," and that he was unable to view contact pages. One hour before the First Cycle ended, the music on the main page changed to Matt's Final Hour.mp3. Any emails sent during this period were answered with, "Hang on someone keeps knocking at my door."

After the reset caused by fj6rt, Ifrit's posts ceased to exist and the About page no longer listed him. The contents of his contact page were changed to three Elegy of Emptiness statues and the text, "Expecting to find someone else?"

A few weeks after Ifrit's disappearance, visitors to YSHDT managed to find several numbered files used throughout the site. The most importance of these was mhftt.txt, the 59th file in the list. It contained a final message from Ifrit, warning that BEN needs to be stopped, and that others may succeed where he failed. Ifrit's whereabouts are currently unknown.

An account belonging to Ifrit was discovered in the Tenor group on Within Hubris.

Awakening Arc

Ifrit appeared twice leading up to the final phase of the story, unbeknownst to players. His identity in-game was finally revealed in The Last Hero.wmv, confirming that he inhabits the potion seller model. He informs Sarah that the inhabitants of the cartridge are much more than just A.I. as Abel suggests, and asks for her help to finally defeat the Father.

Later, in The Happy Mask Salesman.wmv, Sarah would return to Clocktown to find both Ifrit and Ben missing.

Ifrit makes his final appearance in The End.wmv, where it is revealed the he wanted Sarah to do the Fourth Day Glitch in order to wake the Father for him to remake the world, and summons a flaming Happy Mask Salesman next to him, but not before mocking Sarah and pointing out the deaths of many of the digitized souls in the cartridge due to the triggering of the Fourth Day Glitch was her fault. Later, Sarah would meet him in the sewers, where he senses that Jadusable has passed on his power to her, and makes mention of Jadusable breaking down in agony and crying for his mother. He then states the he recognizes the look on Sarah's face as "Hatred. Betrayal. Fury". Circle then replies that it's "Wrath", with Ifrit remarking that he "couldn't agree more". A Moon Child positioned next to him says that they now have complete control of the world thanks to Sarah, and that they will turn it into a nightmare. Suddenly, Ifrit and the Moon Children seemingly combine in order to form Majora's Wrath, and almost defeat Sarah, until she plays the Song of Healing. This causes the boss to disappear, and Ifrit to reappear behind Sarah. He chides that she should not have done that, before the screen glitches and the Father appears. He and Sarah exchange a conversation, in which he mentions that Matt has been deleted, due to attempting to "kill, harm, and threaten the natural order of the world", which is incompatible with the Father's "new parameters".


Originally, Ifrit was shown to be enthusiastic about the Moon Children and the ascension of his co-moderator, Nekko. However, the content of mhftt.txt hinted that he was on the visitors' side the whole time. He is also shown to be relatively good with website formatting.

"M.H.", the author of an article, partially redacted into a threatening message, in the Newspaper Letter, has long been considered to have been Ifrit, i.e. Matt Hubris. If true, the message reveals a rather ominous side of Ifrit's personality as he evidently chastises players for their failures and proclaims "I'm done playing games with you, [...] it's your turn [...]"

In the Awakening Arc, it is Ifrit (now known exclusively as "Matt") who first charges Sarah with performing the Fourth Day Glitch in order to fight The Father, after which he mysteriously disappears. After performing the glitch, Matt suddenly reappears, and rather bluntly tells Sarah that her actions have caused the deaths of everyone left in the world, before explaining his intention of using The Father to turn the world into "a nightmare". His manipulative nature is confirmed by Jadusable, who further chides Sarah for simply believing everything Matt had told her. As such, the depths of his deceptive personality is up for question, as it is unknown whether Matt/Ifrit had intended to exploit the players from the very beginning (that is, all the way back to YSHDT) or if his plan was formulated sometime after he was ascended and hypothetically corrupted by The Father's influence.




The following images show Ifrit as he appeared throughout videos:


The following images show Ifrit as he appeared on youshouldnthavedonethat.net:


The following images show Ifrit as he appeared on methodsofrevolution.com:


The following images show Ifrit as he appeared on Eternity-Project.com:


  • Ifrit's information on the About page:
    • Ifrit - Rodney R.
    • Likes - Helping people decide to join our cause, Seinfeld, Playstation 2, and reading
    • Dislikes - "Troublesome" people, long nights, and waiting
    • Ambition - Building a sense of community here, and of course Ascension, who doesn't?
  • The safety question for his email was "The first person I killed to gain entrance into the Moon Children was..."
  • His avatar on youshouldnthavedonethat.net is a photo of rapper MF DOOM.
  • His username is taken from the Arabian mythological figure Ifrit, also spelled Efreet. They are a sub-classification of jinn, or genies, that have an elemental connection to fire.
    • Possible as a reference to this, lyrics from the song "Who's That Knocking" by the band The Genies, were posted to Jadusable's YouTube on September 18 just before Ifrit's disappearance, which lampshaded Ifrit's then-current situation as he had just mentioned in emails that someone was knocking on his door.
  • Prior to being re-categorized and placed within the Moon Children Arc, the Hubris Arc derived its name from Ifrit's alleged surname.
  • It's not actually confirmed if Rosa is Ifrit's literal sister, as he also calls Ben his "brother" despite no blood connection.


Haunted Cartridge Arc

JadusableBENBenTylerOld ManThe Father

Moon Children Arc


Awakening Arc

JadusDentonBakerSecond PlayerAbelThe JailerSarahCircleRyan

Real life

Alex HallKayd HendricksPlayers