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Abel's walkie talkie.png

The walkie talkie Abel speaks through

Real name Unknown
Gender Male
Status Alive
Born Unknown
Age Unknown
Affiliation Unknown
Relations Sarah (test subject) BEN (creator)

First appearance

Last appearance

"Sorry, where are my manners? You can call me Abel. Yeah, that's A-B-E-L. And if you think this is the confusing part, you really haven't seen anything yet."

Abel is a mysterious man who gives instructions to subjects in the Etheral Hotel. He and his men were responsible for the creation of the haunted cartridge and the creation of BEN.


Awakening Arc

Abel makes his first appearance in Methods of Revolution (Day 1). Speaking through a walkie talkier, he informs the second player that the place they are in is completely cut-off from the outside world, and that it is best described as a “half-way house”. He tells the second player that any attempts to escape will result in immediate termination, but that he doesn’t understand why anyone would try. He then informs the second player that although most subjects do not have free will, he is a special case due to the fact that he is an amalgamation of all the souls that “participated in the original St. Louis incident”.

Abel makes his second appearance in Methods of Revolution (Day 11), where he speaks to Sarah, the third player. Abel seems depressed and feels that there’s no point in bothering to give people the same spiel because “You people never seem to listen anyway.” He tells Sarah the same thing he told the previous player about trying to escape. He tells Sarah that he hopes the two can talk, but he doubts it, and then goes silent.

Abel appears next in Methods of Revolution (Day 21), where he tells Sarah that he has left her left her some different entertainment packages, one of which being a Nintendo 64 with “some really cool AI tweaks to it” that is part of an experiment that is going on “upstairs”, and that “the boys up top” are interested in how Sarah will handle it. He thanks Sarah for listening to him, stating that he feels the two have some sort of connection, tells her that she can use the phone to call him if she needs anything, and reminds Sarah to stay in her room.

Abel’s next appearance is in Methods of Revolution (Ben.wmv). After Sarah takes out her ocarina in order to try to play a song for Ben, the screen turns off and the video cuts back to the hotel. The phone beside her crackles and Abel tells her that what she’s talking to is an AI and that she should keep talking to it and figure out what it wants.

Abel appears once again in Methods of Revolution (The Truth.wmv), where he tells Sarah that he is impressed with her and that she has time traveled in the game. He tells her that the Majora's Mask cartridge was one of the original simulations they had created as one of their first forays into Artificial Intelligence. He then explained that the game seems to have been divided into two “hold-out areas”, one of infinite corruption, and one that acts as a sanctuary. He then explains that BEN is a Behavioral Event Network, and that it was named after Ben, the first person to be digitized completely into it. He continues to explain that BEN’s consciousness was intended to be limited, but he seems to have deviated. Abel is excited at the implications of this discovery and the fact that Sarah was able to travel back in time in the game, but laments that The Father will corrupt everything again. He then informs Sarah that he is coming to her room to take the game back, but that he has some more things he’d love to show her.

Abel is later mentioned in the tags for The Prisoner.wmv, although he does not make an appearance in it.


Abel seems to value manners, and gets very excited at new discoveries, such as BEN deviating from his programming and Sarah time travelling in the haunted cartridge. He's also very smug, and seems to know more than he lets on.


Methods of Revolution (Day 1)

Methods of Revolution (Day 11)

Methods of Revolution (Day 21)

Methods of Revolution (Ben.wmv)

Methods of Revolution (The Truth.wmv)

The Prisoner.wmv (mentioned in tags)


  • Abel's name seems to derive from the second half of Jadusable's, much like Jadus' seems to derive from the first.